
Forum Improvements #2 - Your Feedback Needed

Mahesh Chand

Mahesh Chand

Suthish just suggested a few great ideas and we are thinking to implement them. Here is a list of new features.

1. Add a Forum Moderator user type. We can pick a few 5 to 10 moderators on the forums. Their profile will show a Moderator icon
2. Add Moderators link at the top of the forums, their roles and responsibilities. A moderator can modify, delete, close and do other things to a post. Also can send a message to a user.
3. Automatically notify a post if it was answered but answer was not accepted to user.
4. After 5 days, automatically notify user about their feedback on answers and vote (thumbs us) and accept answers. If no response came, close or archive thread automatically.
5. A confirmation message before delete a post. There should be no physical delete from the database if deleted by a member or moderator.
6. Add Most Recognized Members hand picked by Admin, Editors, and Moderators. Will have a different logo than the top members.
7. Add Legends - Members who does not care for prizes, awards or anything else. More than MVPs and others. These members are legends. They also work behind the scenes.
Anything else we should do for moderator?
8. Insert Help Links - As I type an answer, I should be able to search the site and if possible answer is already there as an article, blogs, or forums, I should be able to insert that right away.
9. Show maintenance message if site or forums are being updated or down for whatever reason.
10. Move a Thread - This option can be used by Moderators to move a thread to other categories including College Projects etc.
11. Convert a Thread - This option will allow moderators to convert a thread into an Article
12. Request an Article - New Forum Category
13. Sticky Threads - not sure what this is?
14. New Threads (unread threads) - When you visit forums, we can display new threads with a different icon, so users know which threads are new since they visited last time.
15. Bad Word filter on forums, comments, blog comments
16. Editor - Image Upload does not work in FireFox 4
17. Lighter version of the page (less HTML and JavaScript). Replace rich controls with lighter
18. Make forums load faster
19. Forums Category Moderators - Each forum category will have a moderator. When a question is posted and the post type is a "suggestion" or "idea", in that category, an email will go to the moderator.

Answers (27)