
FlashLight in WindowsPhone 7

Aswathy AD

Aswathy AD


I am working on windows phone 7 Flash light application. I have used the torch light sample application class to implement the required functionality in my application. For that I am using Videocamera class. Please see the following piece of code

Assembly mediaExtendedAssembly = Assembly.Load("Microsoft.Phone.Media.Extended, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=24eec0d8c86cda1e");
Type videoCameraType = mediaExtendedAssembly.GetType("Microsoft.Phone.VideoCamera");
ConstructorInfo videoCameraConstructor = videoCameraType.GetConstructor(new Type[] { cameraSourceType });
_videoCamera = videoCameraConstructor.Invoke(new object[] { cameraSource });

// Set the properties and methods.
_videoCameraLampEnabledPropertyInfo = videoCameraType.GetProperty("LampEnabled");
_videoCameraStartRecordingMethod = videoCameraType.GetMethod("StartRecording");

public void StartRecording()

// Invoke the start recording method on the video camera object.
_videoCameraStartRecordingMethod.Invoke(_videoCamera, new object[0]);

Using the above code it was able to set the flash light on. Inorder to stop the flash light, I have added following lines to the above code.

_videoCameraStopRecordingMethod = videoCameraType.GetMethod("StopRecording");
public void StopRecording()
_videoCameraStopRecordingMethod.Invoke(_videoCamera, null);
ie: By passing null as a parameter it was able to stop the flash light. Like this way I am turning ON and OFF the FlashLight for 2 to 3 times. But If I navigate from the current page to next page and comes back to the flash application page ,it is crashing at the time of Initialisation.

ie: while calling the line,

_cameraVisualizerSetSourceMethod.Invoke(_cameraVisualizer, new object[] { camera.InnerCameraObject });

I couldn't dispose the video camera objects. Couldn't free its resources. Even if I set null to videocamera object ,its not getting deinitialised. Could you please tell me how to free its resources.
Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated.

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