
fix a time and date to fill and edit the gridview and save ?

Kamala Veni

Kamala Veni

I am having saved data's in SQL table,while i bound dat in gridview its showing.now i want to edit it and having a column name as date,so with respect to dat ,
already saved data's for future date records oly can able to edit ...
how to fix date limit to fill ..
i having a form.
In that am  selecting date is : 15.05.2016
i filled all data's before itself (i.e) today(13.05.2016) .
now i wanna to edit the details which i submitted before..
with respect to 15th i can able to edit until tmrw only..
on 15 i cant able to edit that data which i was submitted on  (13 th day ) itself...
how to fix the condition to edit and fill in the gridview with respect to the date? 
please anyone help me...
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