find the prime number average between 1 - 100
Hey guys. I have an application where i have to find the prime number average between 1 and 100. it basically loops through every number between 1 and 100 and if the number is prime, it will add sum up the number and count each one it finds. I think I got it working correctly. Im not sure because I dont feel like manually going through every number between 1 and 100 and manually calculating it myself. So i am asking someone here. does anyone know a better way of testing this application out or atleast know if I am doing it right so I can continue. my code is below...
using System;
public class Lab5
public static void Main()
//Declare all required variables
double dblAverage; //the average should allow for decimal values
int intPrimeCount = 0; //this represents the total count of prime numbers found. Short would have also worked.
int intPrimeTotal = 0; //this represents the sum of all prime numbers found. Short would have also worked.
bool blnPrime;
int intDivisor; //use this variable in the Mod operation
short intNumberToBeTested; //this is the number between 2 and 100 which is being tested to find out if it is prime or not
// we all know that 1 is not prime
string strAverage;
for (intNumberToBeTested = 2; intNumberToBeTested <= 100; intNumberToBeTested++)
blnPrime = true; //assume the number is Prime and then try to prove otherwise
//to find if a number is prime what the following for next loop does is use the modulus operator
//and see if the result of this operation between the number being tested and all numbers less than it
//iz zero. If it is then the test failed as it means that the number being tested was divisible
//by a number other than 1 or itself. At this point we declare the number being tested not prime and exit the loop.
//Just a word of caution here. Using the Exit For statement may be efficient in that it stops the loop once a number
//is found not to be prime as there is no need to test it anymore. However this kind of affects the modularity of
//the for next loop and could just as well be left out.
for (intDivisor = 2; intDivisor < intNumberToBeTested; intDivisor++)
if (intNumberToBeTested % intDivisor == 0)
blnPrime = false;
if (blnPrime == true) //If the number was found to be prime than update our variables
intPrimeCount = intPrimeCount + 1;
intPrimeTotal = intPrimeTotal + intNumberToBeTested;
dblAverage = intPrimeTotal / intPrimeCount; //find the average
strAverage = Convert.ToString(dblAverage); //converts the number to a string and displays it in the provided label
//display the average correct to two decimal places