
Financial Reports On Form’s Controls

mahesh waghela

mahesh waghela


I need your guidance,  see I wants to design a financial report in winforms  application and for that I have choose the Listview Control for displaying financial Data Like Profit & Loss Account, Balance Sheet but fail to design well due to limited features of Listview Group.

I have face a problem with Listview like below:

1.      There are default groups will always disclose which are not altered or remove as it's not under collection of Groups.

2.      Suppose if I have a Group like "Purchase Account" and  I wants to assign group total  on same raw of  "Purchase Account" Groups available than I will not able to create on it as it has no sub group feature like ListviewItems and Subitems.

3.       It always Sort In Ascending Order Which will not allow me to Put Total on bottam of control


How to overcome from this problem?. What I have to do for prepare a Financial Report on Form?.

It's works well on crystal reports but it's not allow to edit the data hence I am looking it to design it onto winforms.


Any Precious Advice will be appreciated.


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