
Filter a table of dataset added by using data source option

Sairam Soham

Sairam Soham


I have added dataset IADataSet to the project using View > Other Windows > Data Sources option

This dataset has 2 tables out of which 1 is NG_RevClassAvgByDate

I am able to fill the data into the table object from database with the following lines of code

IADataSet.NG_RevClassAvgByDateDataTable table = new IADataSet.NG_RevClassAvgByDateDataTable();
IADataSetTableAdapters.NG_RevClassAvgByDateTableAdapter ada = new IADataSetTableAdapters.NG_RevClassAvgByDateTableAdapter();


I have two variables year and month

and third  variable revenueclass

In the database in the table I have Year_Month column which corresponds to year + '-' + month

In the database corresponding to revenueclass variable I have a column RevenueClassID.



Instead of populating all the data in the table object from a database table will it be possible to populate only data for the following filter clause

Year_Month column =  year + '-' + month  AND RevenueClassID = revenueclass

Any thoughts?

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