
FileStreaming How Is It Done?



I need some guidance with this one.  I think I understand part of this, I THINK I open the Visual studio program, start a new project then save it. I
will make a file in Notepad and then put that file inside the releases file in
I made a folder named Death and have like 3 files inside that I made with Notepad++.
But i am not sure what to do next. 

Create a program that allows a user to continually enter directory names
until the user types "end". If the directory name exists display a list of the
files in it; otherwise display a message indicating the directory does not
exist. If the directory exists and the files are listed , prompt the user to
enter one of the filenames. If the file exists, display its creation date and
time; otherwise display a message indicating the file does not exist.

Attachment: c.zip