
File Drag & Drop from Mozilla Firefox



Hello everyone. I have a problem with my program when I try to drag&drop a file from Mozilla Firefox, for example a picture. Although dropping works great when I drag the file from Explorer or Internet Explorer. My program is simply supposed to copy the file dropped to a predefined location. Now, when I try to drag from Firefox, my program gives an exception from System.IO.File.Copy, for example like this: Could not find file "c:\docume~1\user\locals~1\temp\picname.gif" And the program is absolutely right, there really is not such file on the folder. Still, if I drag the picture from Firefox directly to any folder, it works. So how can I have an access to file dragged from Firefox? I use a ListBox.DragDrop and my DragEventHandler loops the files like: foreach ( String file in ( String[] ) e.Data.GetData( DataFormats.FileDrop ) ) I think this problem of mine is somehow related to the different ways of using cache between these two browsers. If you have a neat solution, now it's a good time to share it. Or it does not even have to be so neat... Thank you.
Answers (1)