
Father class how to use the special sub-category type

huang rongchuan

huang rongchuan


Father class how to use the special sub-category type (such as the sub-class form TableAdapter of a table), the current idea is traversal all the things on the form(such as traversing all controls on the sub-form), if found what I need, I want to transform its type into I want. But now what trouble me is i could not get the type neither trying to change the object into the type I needed nor using reflection to get the type. Thanks a lot.
Code is as follows:

private void findcontrol(Control.ControlCollection controls)


    foreach (Control ctrl in controls)


        if (ctrl.GetType().Name == "XXTableAdapter")


            //How to use the ctrl as XXTableAdapter to do something

            //just like this: TableAdapter.Update (customers DataTable);

            //the kind of type(XXTableAdapter) just could be founded on sub-class



