I am trying to launch installs for applications i need to install on every PC I touch. I am using this code to lauch the "setup.exe /s" The /s is a switch to have the setup use an answer file. When I run this the setup hangs as does my program. I can let it run for a while and it never continues. If I then end my program the setup continues to install.
Dim MyProcess As New Process
MyProcess.StartInfo.FileName = destDir & appInstalldir & appInstallexe
MyProcess.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = destDir & appInstalldir
MyProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = appCommandLineSwitch
I tried to have the program launch a cmd file that has the commad to launch the install, it also hangs then resumes when I end the program.
@echo off
echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
echo Installing app....
cmd /C setup.exe /s
echo Completed.
rem ---------------------------------
Then it looks like this.
Dim MyProcess As New Process
MyProcess.StartInfo.FileName = destDir & appInstalldir & batchfile
MyProcess.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = destDir & appInstalldir
'MyProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = appCommandLineSwitch
I can't seem to get this to work correctly anyone have an idea why the setup gets hung?