
Export MS Project Data to CSV TXT XLS & Save It as Template

David Zondray

David Zondray


What's New in this Release?

We are happy to announce the release of Aspose.Tasks for .NET 6.0.0. With this month's release, Aspose.Tasks supports exporting project data to CSV, TXT and popular Microsoft Excel formats like XLS and XLSX. Using Aspose.Tasks, a project's tasks, resources and assignment data can be exported to CSV, TXT, XLS and XLSX formats with ease. In addition, saving project data as a Microsoft Project Template (MPT) is also supported. A great feature that lets you create a project from scratch with default properties is also supported in this month's release. This lets developers avoid initializing all data properties as in the case of MSP. Below is the complete list of new features and important bug fixes included in this release.

·         [Project to Excel] Export project as Excel sheet

·         Save project data to CSV (comma delimited) format.

·         Save project data to text format.

·         Save project data as a template (mpt).

·         Set default properties of a Project when created from scratch

·         Resource information now can be read from MPP

·         Enhanced reading/writing Resource.BookingType field in mpp 2003 format.

·         Writing Task.CanLevelingSplit, Task.IsLevelAssignments, Task.Contact fields in mpp 2003 format is enhanced

·         Setting flag attribute to resource is fixed.

·         MSP now can read written Resource.Number2 attribute in 2010 mpp and Resource.Text11, Resource.T

·         MSP can now read written Task.Text6 -Text9 and Finish10 attributes in 2013 mpp formats.

·         Reading  written Task.Hyperlink in mpp 2010-2013 is enhanced.

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Tasks for .NET documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.Tasks for performing different tasks like the followings.


-  Saving Project Data to Excel Format: http://www.aspose.com/docs/display/tasksnet/Saving+project+data+to+Excel+format


-  Saving Project Data to CSV, Text and Template (MPT) Formats: http://www.aspose.com/docs/display/tasksnet/Saving+Project+Data+to+CSV%2C+Text+and+Template+%28MPT%29+Formats

Overview: Aspose.Tasks for .NET

Aspose.Tasks is a non-graphical .NET Project management component that enables .NET applications to read, write and manage Project documents without utilizing Microsoft Project. With Aspose.Tasks you can read and change tasks, recurring tasks, resources, resource assignments, relations and calendars. Aspose.Tasks is a very mature product that offers stability and flexibility. As with all of the Aspose file management components, Aspose.Tasks works well with both WinForm and WebForm applications.

More about Aspose.Tasks for .NET

- Homepage of Aspose.Tasks for .NET: http://www.aspose.com/.net/project-management-component.aspx

- Download Aspose.Tasks for .NET: http://www.aspose.com/community/files/51/.net-components/aspose.tasks-for-.net/default.aspx

- Demos of Aspose.Tasks for .NET: http://www.aspose.com/demos/.net-components/aspose.tasks/default.aspx

- Online documentation of Aspose.Tasks for .NET: http://www.aspose.com/docs/display/tasksnet/Home

Contact Information

Aspose Pty Ltd

Suite 163, 79 Longueville Road

Lane Cove, NSW, 2066



[email protected]

Phone: 888.277.6734

Fax: 866.810.9465
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