
explain of a class.

sawass sawass

sawass sawass

Is someone can help me what is the role of this class:

 public class MeteringStream : WaveStream
        public WaveStream SourceStream { get; private set; }
        public int SamplesPerNotification { get; set; }

        float[] maxSamples;
        int sampleCount;

        public event EventHandler<StreamVolumeEventArgs> StreamVolume;

         MeteringStream(WaveStream sourceStream) :
            this(sourceStream, sourceStream.WaveFormat.SampleRate / 10)

        public MeteringStream(WaveStream sourceStream, int samplesPerNotification)
            SourceStream = sourceStream;
            if (sourceStream.WaveFormat.BitsPerSample != 32)
                throw new ArgumentException("Metering Stream expects 32 bit floating point audio", "sourceStream");
            maxSamples = new float[sourceStream.WaveFormat.Channels];
            this.SamplesPerNotification = samplesPerNotification;

        public override WaveFormat WaveFormat
            get { return SourceStream.WaveFormat; }

        public override long Length
            get { return SourceStream.Length; }

        public override long Position
            get { return SourceStream.Position; }
            set { SourceStream.Position = value; }

        public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
            int bytesRead = SourceStream.Read(buffer, offset, count);
            ProcessData(buffer, offset, bytesRead);
            return bytesRead;

        private void ProcessData(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
            int index = 0;
            while (index < count)
                for (int channel = 0; channel < maxSamples.Length; channel++)
                    float sampleValue = Math.Abs(BitConverter.ToSingle(buffer, offset + index));
                    maxSamples[channel] = Math.Max(maxSamples[channel], sampleValue);
                    index += 4;
                if (sampleCount >= SamplesPerNotification)
                    sampleCount = 0;
                    Array.Clear(maxSamples, 0, maxSamples.Length);



        private void RaiseStreamVolumeNotification()
            if (StreamVolume != null)
                StreamVolume(this, new StreamVolumeEventArgs() { MaxSampleValues = (float[])maxSamples.Clone() });

    public class StreamVolumeEventArgs : EventArgs
        public float[] MaxSampleValues { get; set; }

and the internal class StreamVolumeEventArgs : EventArgs
Thanks in advance.

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