Excel report is not generating
Hi Friends,
I am facing issue while generating excel report.
I could not able to find out whether this error is from SQL, web.
There is a large content of data is converting to excel from XML. here i am receving error thread abort being exception.
But in the aspx page showing time out exception.
I tested in trial by duumping production database, here there is no such exception.
But in trial report is generating 4-5 min.
In prod after 2 min the thread abort being exception occurs.
My code is..
XmlDataDocument xdd = new XmlDataDocument(ds);
objNewNode = xdd.CreateElement("DATERANGE");
objNewNode.InnerXml = CreateDateXML(SearchData);
xdd.DataSet.EnforceConstraints = false;
string strFilePathToSave = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["REPORT_FilePath"].ToString();
objFrstNode = xdd.DocumentElement.FirstChild;
xdd.DocumentElement.InsertBefore(objNewNode, objFrstNode);
XslTransform xt = new XslTransform();xt.Load(SearchData.strTemplatePath);
if (!Directory.Exists(strFilePathToSave))
strSavePath = strFilePathToSave;
System.IO.FileStream fio = new System.IO.FileStream(strSavePath, System.IO.FileMode.CreateNew);
Please help me to solve in this.....