
Even numbers and factorials calculate

itbox paslaugos

itbox paslaugos

Hello my friends,

I need help with my solution...

I have to make windows form app, that has two textbox'es, one button, and richtexbox.

And it has to calculate even numbers from the texbox interval.

Ex.. texbox1 (int 1), texbox2 (int 5), but int1 is less than int5 ( x<y)

Maby you have some opinions how to make it work with FOR cycle?

X = 1;  Y = 5;


|  Number       |    Factorial         |


|         2           |             2            |

|         4           |            24           |


I have written program in CMD c#, but I want some more experience, so maby you could help me with this...Waiting for some SOS response.

Answers (2)