
Error while installing Win App on same machine

Kedar Pawgi

Kedar Pawgi

I have developed a windows application for my client one of the firm , i have installed it properly on client machine and working properly. My client requested me to make another application same as previous one for another firm. So i copied the files from 1st application and renamed its project name, setup project name and changed the report headers as per requirement. I created setup for the new software and when i tried to install it on same machine where the software one is installed (i am using different database for this new software & it is working perfect on my machine in design mode) it gives error message as "Another Instance of this has already been installed , to install this please remove the previous install from Add / Remove ". What i need to do now to install this new software. Please guide this is very urgent. As new FY entries need to be made in this new SW. So please guide me asap.
Thanks in advance.
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