
Error Conditions



I'm running an application that translates data and moves it to a SQL table via stored procedure. The issue is not that the exception is being handled, it's that it's handling it too well and stopping the import from occuring because values don't meet what I suspect is system based format values .. This is a partial of the process and where the exception takes place: sqCommand.Parameters.Add"@FILLER",m_stInvRec.FILLER); sqCommand.Parameters.Add("@PDHS_EFT_POST_DATE",m_stInvRec.PDHS_EFT_POST_DATE); sqCommand.Parameters.Add("@PDHS_CHK_EFT_TRAD_REL_ID",m_stInvRec.PDHS_CHK_EFT_TRAD_REL_ID); sqCommand.Parameters.Add("@FILLER2",m_stInvRec.FILLER2); try { sqCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } sqConnect.Close(); return true; } public bool WriteErrorRecord(StreamWriter swFile, int iRecordNo, byte[] bInput) { swFile.WriteLine(String.Format("Record no {0} is in error, record follows.", iRecordNo)); swFile.WriteLine(String.Format("(Blank or zero fields indicate possible erroneous value)", iRecordNo)); if (m_stInvRec.PDHS_CODE == "P") { swFile.WriteLine("PDHS_CODE =" + m_stInvRec.PDHS_CODE); swFile.WriteLine("PDHS_VNDR_NUM =" + m_stInvRec.PDHS_VNDR_NUM); It works because I get this in an error file: Record no 1 is in error, record follows. (Blank or zero fields indicate possible erroneous value) PDHS_CODE =T PDHS_VNDR_NUM =0000000 PDHS_VNDR_DEPT =0000 PDHS_INV_NUM =000000000000000 PDHS_INV_CHK_NUM =0 PDHS_INV_CHK_DATE =20303 PDHS_INV_CHK_AMT =0 PDHS_INV_DATE =0 Unfortunately, the values 0 and null are acceptable for the output file and should be loaded to SQL as such .. how do I get around this so it doesn't treat it as an exception and foregoes the output to a text file but still imports to SQL? Thanks .. I'm no guru and would appreciate any help ..