
Entity framework dll security issue

Madan Shekar

Madan Shekar

 Hi All
now i am working on security issue's, we have one security issue on entity framework DLL file ,please check the bellow details.
Attack Vector: system_data_dll.System.Data.IDbConnection.set_ConnectionString
Number of Modules Affected: 1
Description: This call to system_data_dll.System.Data.IDbConnection.set_ConnectionString() allows external control of system settings. The argument to the function is constructed using untrusted input, which can disrupt service or cause an application to behave in unexpected ways. The first argument to set_ConnectionString() contains tainted data. The tainted data originated from earlier calls to entityframework_dll.System.Data.Entity.Database.Delete, and entityframework_dll.System.Data.Entity.Database.Exists.
Remediation: Never allow untrusted or otherwise untrusted data to control system-level settings. Always validate untrusted input to ensure that it conforms to the expected format, using centralized data validation routines when possible.
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