I am trying to Use EnterpriseLibrary in .NET Core application. When I initialize "Database" by "DatabaseProviderFactory" like this
_DB = _Factory.Create(dbConnection);
it's showing error :
System.InvalidOperationException: 'The connection string for the database 'data source=.\MSSQLSERVER16;initial catalog=TestDB;user id=sa;password=abc@123;' does not exist or does not have a valid provider.'
I googled but didn't get any help. Is there anyone who can give me a suggestion or an example How can I Initialize "Database" in .NET Core Application. Below is my code snippet.
using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data;
using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Common;
public class DbClass
DatabaseProviderFactory _Factory = new DatabaseProviderFactory();
public Database _DB = null;
string dbConnection = @"data source=.\MSSQLSERVER16;initial catalog=TestDB;user id=sa;password=abc@123;";
public DbClass()
_DB = _Factory.Create(dbConnection);
public string Insert()
DbCommand cmd = _DB.GetSqlStringCommand("");
return "";