
Enerweb Test

sri kanth

sri kanth


//Enerweb Test


//Task 1

//Complete this program so that the list of companies can be loaded from a file and also saved to a file

//HINT: make use of XML serialization

//You may need to create the test xml data file by hand or any other mechanism


//Task 2

//Change the interface for the Company class so that the companies can be sorted by number of employees

//HINT: Use IComparable


//Task 3 - Advanced - if time available

//Create a generic Template Function for Loading any complex type from a file and saving any complex type to a file


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Text;

using System.Xml;


namespace EnerwebTest


      class Employee


            string ID;

            string Name;

            decimal Salary;



      //Task 1 - Complete this class, members and attributes for XML serialization

      class Company


            string Name;

            List<Employee> employees = new List<Employee>();


            public Company(string aName)


                  Name = aName;



            public override string ToString()


                  return string.Format("Company {0}: Employees {1}", Name, employees.Count);




      class Program


            static void Main(string[] args)


                  List<Company> companies = Load("companies.xml");



                  //TASK 2: by changing the interface of the Company class - the following

                  //line of code is all that is needed to sort the list




                  Save("companies.xml", companies);



                  //TASK 3 - the new generic overloaded Load/Save functions are used like this       

                  companies = Load<List<Company>>("companies.xml");


                  Save<List<Company>>("companies.xml", companies);



            //TASK 1 - complete this

            private static List<Company> Load(string FileName)


                  //TODO: complete this

                  return null;



            //TASK 1 - complete this

            private static void Save(string FileName, List<Company> companies)


                  //TODO: complete this



            //TASK 3 - advanced - complete this

            private static T Load<T>(string FileName)


                  //TODO: complete this

                  return default(T);



            //TASK 3 - advanced - complete this

            private static void Save<T>(string FileName, T t)


                  //TODO: complete this



            private static void ShowCompanies(List<Company> companies)


                  System.Console.WriteLine("List of companies:\n\n");

                  foreach (Company company in companies)












Help me to solve this....plz

Answers (1)