



Sorry about previous post.
I wonder how to solve the problem of encapsulation in aggregated objects. Example:
public class CustomModel : ICloneable
   private int _age;
   public int Age
      get { return this._age;}
      set { this._age=value;}
   public override object Clone()
      return this.MemberwiseClone();
public class SafeClass
   private CustomModel _model;
   public SafeClass(CustomModel model)
   {   // version 1
      this._model = model;
      // version 2
      this._model = (CustomModel)model.Clone();
 Now if we write the constructor code in version 1, then create an instance of SafeClass:
CustomModel cm = new CustomModel();
cm.Age = 20;
SafeClass sc = new SafeClass(cm);
cm.Age = 40; //==> here, we can temper with internal data of sc object ! It lacks encapsulation !
It is possible to modify internals of SafeClass from outside. We can simply solve the problem:
 SafeClas sc = new SafeClass((CustomModel)cm.Clone()); 
But we can assume, that developer using our SafeClass forget to clone the cm object before passing it to the constructor. In such situation SafeClass would be vulnerable to modification internals from outside. If we decided to clone CustomModel in constructor of SafeClass (version 2), our class would be safe. What if client of SafeClass is aware of risk related to passing references to other objects. Let's assume he don't know the code of SafeClass(he don't have to) and intentionally clone the parameter of SafeClass constructor (as shown above). In that way, CustomModel would be cloned twice.
What do you think about that ? What are the best practices for encapsulation in such situation ?
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