Used the below code for logout function in asp.net menuitem control "OnMenuItemClick"
protected void menu1_MenuItemClick(object sender, MenuEventArgs e)
if (menu1.SelectedItem.Value == "Log off")
Session["promptcount"] = 0;
Response.redirect not working in Edge Browser ,I cannot able to click the logout menu when i login and logout for second time , so i changed to server.execute and its working in Edge.
But the Issue is below
Case 1 :When i login in and logout continuosly 3 times in Edge Browser without clicking any menuitems in asp.net website, Browser got struck while i login in for the third time. I need to refresh the browser , then only it will go to login screen again to login in .
Case 2:When i login in and logout continuosly 3 times in Edge Browser with click some menuitems in asp.net website, The last menuitem clicked cannot able to click/open the page when i login for third time and i can open only if i refresh the browser.
But in IE It's working perfect.
Please any help is appreciated