
dynamic table with dynamic radio buttons




I am trying to create a survey site that will allow a person to rate people on a specific behavior.

I will display this as a table.  The rows be dynamic and will consist of the people being rated and could be 1+ and the columns will be dynamic and will consist of the ratings, e.g. agree, disagree, cannot rate, depending on which survey they choose.  In each space, I want a radio button grouped by person(row).

I try to keep my code on the .aspx.vb portion and the rest on the .aspx for the designers.  Anyone have any ideas?  F.Y.I.  This is all inside a repeater and I have to store this in a database.

Cannot Rate Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree    -------- dynamic
George Michael radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button group
Franks Butts radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button radio button group

Answers (3)