
Dynamic Table creation



I want to generate dynamic table with dynamic table header and row/col .
In row data i have to enter values and also perform calculation on each row .
based on one column data to other column will change automatically 
when user enters actual date status changes to yes .
Delay=Actual Date - Target date (Negative value=Green color; Positive value= Red color)
Question1 Questions2 Status Received document (Y/N) Target Date Actual Date Delay
VIEW AT LOCATION Business 1 N Y 7-Apr-21 20-Apr-21 13
Business 2 to lay land N Y 7-Apr-21 20-Apr-21 13
Business 3 N Y 7-Apr-21 20-Apr-21 13
Business 4 N Y 7-Apr-21 20-Apr-21 13
Business 5 N Y 7-Apr-21 20-Apr-21 13
Business 6 N Y 7-Apr-21 20-Apr-21 13
Business 7 N Y 7-Apr-21 20-Apr-21 13
Business 8 N Y 7-Apr-21 20-Apr-21 13
Business 9 N Y 7-Apr-21 20-Apr-21 13
Business 10 N Y 7-Apr-21 23-May-21 46
End to End current Process flow - Step Charts N Y 7-Apr-21 23-May-21 46
Answers (1)