
dynamic column in crystal report

nishant ranjan

nishant ranjan


two radio button
one button

On button click
if radio button 1 selected then crystal report in img1 is loaded   

if radio button 2 selected then crystal report in img2 is loaded   

img 1


my problem:

in above two report, all field are same except that a date column is added in the detail section of img2

to achive above task , i have created two different report and called those report in each situation.
what i want to know that is it possible to create just one report and bring the dynamic column or hide the dynamic column according to situation.

that is when radio button 1 is selected and  button pressed the report should be loaded as in img 1 and when radio button 2 is selected and button is pressed then report should be loaded as in img2. the column date should be dynamic. the field in detail section are loaded from dataset for whic i have made xsd file.
kindly suggest.
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