
Drawing onto a bitmap (DirectDraw)



Well, I started playing around with DirectDraw. So far, I can create a primary surface and secondary ones. But there are two problems: 1.although the primary surface has its clipper whose Window property is set to a Button, when I draw something directly on it (a circle, box, etc.) the drawings are displayed outside the button's boundaries (the coordinates are treated as screen(monitor) coordinates). Let's say I wanna draw something at (0,0) - it'll show up in the upper left corner of the screen and not on the button as it's supposed to. Why? 2.If I create a secondary surface from a bitmap file and I draw it on the primary surface -ok. But if then I draw something else (a circle) on the sec. surf. and draw it again on the primary one...nothing. Only the initial bitmap is shown. How come?
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