
Drag-and-Drop HTML Link

Seif Ibrahim

Seif Ibrahim

Hey there,

   I'm trying to drag and drop an HTML link (an image link). When I drag and drop the link to my code, I got the target of the link. How can I get the source of the image instad of the target of the html link in C#?

For example, I have the following link in a web page:

<a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com"> <img src="htt://www.aaaaaa.aaa/bbb.JPG " width="100" height="100"  title="MSDN Link."/>  </a>

When I drag and drop the following link from the IE (I click on the image and drag it to my program), I got as a result http://msdn.microsoft.com .. What shall I do to get the "htt://www.aaaaaa.aaa/bbb.JPG" as a result instead of the target of the link?

 I will be more that thankful if you'll answer me as soon as possible.
