
DownLoad of ZIP files with Articles Problems

Hank McKim

Hank McKim


I have been trying to download the zip files from several articles and can not get a download. All I get is a screen the has a box with a red dot inside.
I have had the prolem before on other sites and I would do a right click on the zip file name and do a saveas but this does not work. I download a lot of things from the net and yours is the only site I have not been able to get the download zip file using one of the two methods of either clicking the zipfile name or right clicking and doing a saveas.

The articles are:

Adding a ComboBox Column Style to a DataGrid in Windows Forms

ADO.NET Database Explorer

Auto Completion Text in Windows Forms 2.0

Custom ComboBox

Printing in C#

Using the DPAPI through ProtectedData Class in .Net Framework 2.0

I do need a little help with this one.

Answers (1)