
Don't show data meeting room meeting time C#

honag luc

honag luc


I have 4 api data tables: Booking{ Id, Status, Sort, CreatedDate,UpdatedAt, Title, ParticipatingLeaders, Content, UserCreatedName, UserCreatedEmail, UserCreatedPhoneNumber, DepartmentId, Start, Stop, LocationId, Request,RoomId, Date, CancelAt, SuccessAt,HostUser, LocationName, RoomName }
Room{ Id, Status, Sort, CreatedDate, CreatedAt, UpdatedAt, UpdatedBy, CodeNaame, Name, LocationId, Volumn, Items, Images }
Location{ Id, Status, Sort, CreatedDate, CreatedAt, CreatedBy, UpdatedAt, UpdatedBy, Title }
Device{ Id, Status, Sort, CreatedDate, CreatedAt, CreatedBy, UpdatedAt, UpdatedBy, Name, Description, Content }.

After booking the meeting room, the data will be submitted to the Booking table. on datagridview i create grid to view meeting schedule and meeting room get the list of rooms in the Room api table and add new hour columns like code and picture. in the load event call the function: selectAreaColor() then got an error that couldn't load meeting room time data

private void loaddataRoom()//load room

        QueryRQ query = CreateQuery();
        RoomIndexRS result = apiBooking.getRoom(query).Result;
        if (result == null)
            MessageBox.Show("Không l?y du?c k?t qu? t? phía server", Program.Setting.Language.GetString("captionerror"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
        else if (result.Status != 200)
            MessageBox.Show(result.Error, Program.Setting.Language.GetString("captionerror"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            grdRoom.DataSource = result.Data;

            string columns = "name";
            string[] _arrColumns = columns.Split(',');

            grdRoom.Columns["name"].Width = 152;

            foreach (DataGridViewColumn col in grdRoom.Columns)

                if (_arrColumns.Contains(col.Name.ToLower()))
                    col.DisplayIndex = _arrColumns.ToList().LastIndexOf(col.Name.ToLower());
                    col.HeaderText = Program.Setting.Language.GetString("colgrd" + col.Name);
                    col.Resizable = DataGridViewTriState.True;

                    col.Visible = false;

            //// Create a new column,DataGridViewTextBoxColumn external declare 
            column1Room = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
            column1Room.HeaderText = "08:00"; // Set the header text
            column1Room.Name = "column1"; // Set the name of the column
            column1Room.Width = 55;
            // Add the column to the DataGridView
            column2Room = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
            column2Room.HeaderText = "08:30"; // Set the header text
            column2Room.Name = "column2"; // Set the name of the column
            column2Room.Width = 55;
            column3Room = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
            column3Room.HeaderText = "09:00"; // Set the header text
            column3Room.Name = "column3"; // Set the name of the column
            column3Room.Width = 55;
            //column3Room.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Plum;

            column4Room = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
            column4Room.HeaderText = "09:30"; // Set the header text
            column4Room.Name = "column4"; // Set the name of the column
            column4Room.Width = 55;
            column5Room = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
            column5Room.HeaderText = "10:00"; // Set the header text
            column5Room.Name = "column5"; // Set the name of the column
            column5Room.Width = 55;
            column6Room = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
            column6Room.HeaderText = "10:30"; // Set the header text
            column6Room.Name = "column6"; // Set the name of the column
            column6Room.Width = 55;
            column7Room = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
            column7Room.HeaderText = "11:00"; // Set the header text
            column7Room.Name = "column7"; // Set the name of the column
            column7Room.Width = 55;
            column8Room = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
            column8Room.HeaderText = "11:30"; // Set the header text
            column8Room.Name = "column8"; // Set the name of the column
            column8Room.Width = 55;
            column9Room = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
            column9Room.HeaderText = "12:00"; // Set the header text
            column9Room.Name = "column9"; // Set the name of the column
            column9Room.Width = 55;
            column10Room = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
            column10Room.HeaderText = "12:30"; // Set the header text
            column10Room.Name = "column10"; // Set the name of the column
            column10Room.Width = 55;
            column11Room = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
            column11Room.HeaderText = "13:00"; // Set the header text
            column11Room.Name = "column11"; // Set the name of the column
            column11Room.Width = 55;
            column12Room = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
            column12Room.HeaderText = "13:30"; // Set the header text
            column12Room.Name = "column12"; // Set the name of the columng
            column12Room.Width = 55;
            column13Room = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
            column13Room.HeaderText = "14:00"; // Set the header text
            column13Room.Name = "column13"; // Set the name of the column
            column13Room.Width = 55;
            column14Room = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
            column14Room.HeaderText = "14:30"; // Set the header text
            column14Room.Name = "column14"; // Set the name of the column
            column14Room.Width = 55;
            column15Room = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
            column15Room.HeaderText = "15:00"; // Set the header text
            column15Room.Name = "column15"; // Set the name of the column
            column15Room.Width = 55;
            column16Room = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
            column16Room.HeaderText = "15:30"; // Set the header text
            column16Room.Name = "column16"; // Set the name of the column
            column16Room.Width = 52;
            column17Room = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
            column17Room.HeaderText = "16:00"; // Set the header text
            column17Room.Name = "column17"; // Set the name of the column
            column17Room.Width = 52;
            column18Room = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
            column18Room.HeaderText = "16:30"; // Set the header text
            column18Room.Name = "column18"; // Set the name of the column
            column18Room.Width = 52;
            column19Room = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
            column19Room.HeaderText = "17:00"; // Set the header text
            column19Room.Name = "column19"; // Set the name of the column
            column19Room.Width = 52;
            column20Room = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
            column20Room.HeaderText = "17:30"; // Set the header text
            column20Room.Name = "column20"; // Set the name of the column
            column20Room.Width = 52;
            column21Room = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
            column21Room.HeaderText = "18:00"; // Set the header text
            column21Room.Name = "column21"; // Set the name of the column
                                            // column21Room.Width = 52;                

    catch (Exception ex)
//here code to get data on demand
private async void selectAreaColor()
    string starttime ;
    string stoptime ;
    string selectedRoom ;
    string selectedId ;
    QueryRQ query = CreateQuery();
    BookingIndexRS result = apiBooking.getBooking(query).Result;

    foreach (BookingDetail r in result.Data)
        string idLocal = r.Id.ToString();
        selectedId = idLocal + "";
        string idroom = r.RoomId.ToString();
        selectedRoom = idroom + "";
        string start = r.Start.ToString();
        starttime = start;
        string stop = r.Stop.ToString();
        stoptime = stop;
        string getDate =(r.Date.ToString());
        // Get the start time and end time inputs and the selected meeting room
        DateTime startTime = DateTime.ParseExact(starttime, "HH:mm", null);
        DateTime stopTime = DateTime.ParseExact(stoptime, "HH:mm", null);

        foreach (DataGridViewRow row in grdRoom.Rows)
            if (row.Cells["Id"].Value.ToString() == selectedRoom)
                int rowIndex = row.Index;                       

                // Loop through the columns and compare the start and end times with the time slots
                for (int i = 1; i < grdRoom.Columns.Count; i++)
                    DateTime columnTime = DateTime.ParseExact(grdRoom.Columns[i].HeaderText, "HH:mm",CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);//error here
                     string _HeaderText = grdRoom.Columns[i].Name.ToString();
                    if (startTime == columnTime)//|| endTime == columnTime

                        grdRoom.Rows[rowIndex].Cells[_HeaderText].Style.BackColor = Color.Blue;

            if (startTime == stopTime)
                startTime = startTime.AddMinutes(30);

error line 202 it' loop through on BookingDetail. but i need loop through grdRoom

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