

Sam Hobbs

Sam Hobbs

I consider documentation to be a good thing. In my opinion, a clear and concise description (using words) of a system can be very useful. Many people consider diagrams to be more effective. In my opinion, software is usually developed faster and with less bugs when the design is adequately described. I think spoken language is usually not a significant barrier compared to the communication of concepts.

That explains why it is so important to me to try to help members to communicate effectively. It is not a matter of grammer; it is a matter of concepts. Programmers can be more effective when they can communicate concepts effectively. It is something I believe very much.

Many developers communiate with code. They provide sample code to ask how to do something. Some members use sample code to attempt to answer questions. When the proposed answer does in fact answer the question then that is good but if it does not then the discussions become very difficult for other membes to get involved with.

Some people think that I write short replies asking for clarification just because I am being lazy or something like that. A request for clarification is not intended to be an answer.
Answers (1)