
Distributed event and Remote call back using SCSF/CAB

LB Elbino

LB Elbino


We have SCSF application with multiple modules. The need has come up to create a common service or component to be accessible to all modules as they are launched in the common shell.

problem 1.
What is the best way to create a shared assembly that all business modules can access when they are launched.

problem 2. - also tied to problem 1.
The main reasoning behind this shared module approach, besides the obvious elimination of code duplication, is the need to move a lot of the prelim processing tasks to a central server and save some cpu circles on the client.  This shared module will be preforming most of the CPU intensive grunt work and calling the clients when ready.

We are looking for suggestion for how to go about this. Have the Server initiate events that the clients can subscribe to.

We are not using WCF or Remoting. just regular asmx web services and SCSF in a .NET 2.0 environment