how can I display data, I received on SerialPort, in a raw hex byte format ?
It took me several approaches to convert the data basically, but there still seems to be an ASCII / UTF7 / UTF8 problem. I am now using a byte array instead of a former char-array, but still I don't get any value larger than 127 dec (0x7F). When sending decimal 128, I receive 0x3F on RX-Side.
Here's the current DataReceiveHandler:
void PortBDataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
string bytestr = "";
bytestr = _portB.ReadExisting();
bytestr = bytestr.Replace("\r", "");
UTF8Encoding utf = new UTF8Encoding();
byte[] myarray = utf.GetBytes(bytestr);
string hexvalues = "";
foreach (byte b in myarray)
hexvalues = hexvalues + (b.ToString("X2")) + " ";
Does anybody know how to display the hex values for incoming bytes from 0x80 up to 0xFF ?