
Displaying Calendar view in XSLT ListView Webpart using JSOM

Ravi 210384

Ravi 210384

Hi Team,
I am trying to add a xsltlistivewwebpart to display the calendar view of the list but its showing a normal view instead of calendar view.
I am getting the GUID of the calendar view and adding to the below XML along with the viewURL and i am ending up with the view/webpart as shown in the screenshot below.
Can someone please help me on this?
xmlDefinitionXML = "<property name='XmlDefinition' type='string'><![CDATA[<View Name='" + myGuid + "' MobileView='TRUE' Type='CALENDAR' TabularView='FALSE' RecurrenceRowset='TRUE' DisplayName='' Url='" + CalViewURL + "' Level='1' BaseViewID='2' ContentTypeID='0x' MobileUrl='_layouts/15/mobile/viewdaily.aspx' ImageUrl='/_layouts/15/images/events.png?rev=44'>" +
"<Toolbar Type = 'Standard' /> <ViewHeader /> <ViewBody /> <ViewFooter /> <ViewEmpty />" +
"<ParameterBindings>" +
"<ParameterBinding Name = 'NoAnnouncements' Location = 'Resource(wss,noXinviewofY_LIST)' /> " +
"<ParameterBinding Name = 'NoAnnouncementsHowTo' Location = 'Resource(wss,noXinviewofY_DEFAULT)' />" +
"</ParameterBindings>" +
"<ViewFields>" +
"<FieldRef Name='EventDate' /> <FieldRef Name='EndDate' /> <FieldRef Name='fRecurrence' /> <FieldRef Name='EventType' /> <FieldRef Name='WorkspaceLink' /> <FieldRef Name='Title' /> <FieldRef Name='Location' /> <FieldRef Name='Description' /> <FieldRef Name='Workspace' /> <FieldRef Name='MasterSeriesItemID' /> <FieldRef Name='fAllDayEvent' /></ViewFields>" +
"<ViewData><FieldRef Name='Title' Type='CalendarMonthTitle' /><FieldRef Name='Title' Type='CalendarWeekTitle' /><FieldRef Name='Location' Type='CalendarWeekLocation' /><FieldRef Name='Title' Type='CalendarDayTitle' /><FieldRef Name='Location' Type='CalendarDayLocation' /></ViewData>" +
"<Query>" +
"<Where><DateRangesOverlap><FieldRef Name='EventDate' /><FieldRef Name='EndDate' /><FieldRef Name='RecurrenceID' /><Value Type='DateTime'><Month /></Value></DateRangesOverlap></Where>" +
"</Query>" +
"</View>]]>" +
Answers (2)