
Display data in DataGridview using ComboBox in c#

Sir,  I am doing a ADO.NET program in C#.

Firstly I am Introducing My form to you:-


You can see Nos'1,2' in combobox. These are the employeeId of teachers saved in tbl_Teachers.

I saved these data from another form named frm_Teacher.

now I want to retrieve that files to the datagridView1 in frmTeacherSearch.

I want only employeeName,joinDate and Designation to be filled in the dataGrid.

when I select 1 in combobox, I want to show the employeeName, joinDate and Designation whom has employeeId 1.

A filteration is what i am trying to function here.

so If you want more my program data(classes, database/table), i will provide  you.

I hope that you will solve this.

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