
DirectX.AudioVideoPlayback.Video resizing problems

J Borrett

J Borrett


I am using the DirectX.AudioVideoPlayback.Video class to play videos with a PictureBox as its Owner.

I can load, play, pause and stop my videos no problem. However, I'd like to resize them so that, for example, at the start of playing, the picture box is, say 400 by 300 pixels, and then enlarge the size of the picture to, say 800 by 600 pixels, in a nice smooth transition (like a smooth zoom I guess). The centre of the video needs to remain in the same place. Once resized, the video would run to completion.

I have tried doing this by incrementally increasing the size of the picturebox by a few pixels in a loop, but the results are quite jerky. Is there a simple way of achieving this resizing so that the results look nice and smooth.

Alternatively, should I be using another approach for manipulating my video files in this way?

Many thanks,


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