
DirectSound problem (Beginner)




I have spent a few evenings trying to get microphone-to-speaker-throughput using directsound (what is recorded from the line-in/mic-in should be played be played back instantly). I have set up the capture buffer and from testing the code it seems to work. I have also set up the playback buffer and can play wave files so next step is to transfer the capture buffer data to the playback buffer whenever the capture buffer is full.

I've done a fair bit of searching in google and I'm surprised not to find any available source code :( The microsoft documentation on the directsound API is not easy to read. It seems my next step is to add some notification functionality to the capture buffer such that when a certain amount of buffer has been filled a method can take care of the audio data transfer to the playback buffer.


But I can't understand how to add this notification functionality under C# (the example in the link above is for C++)

Can anyone please help out here?

My code looks like this:

            sounddevice = new DS.Device();
            sounddevice.SetCooperativeLevel(this, CooperativeLevel.Normal);

            BufferDescription description = new BufferDescription();
            description.ControlEffects = false;
            secBuffer = new SecondaryBuffer("shot.wav", description, sounddevice);

            var format = new WaveFormat
                SamplesPerSecond = 48000,
                BitsPerSample = 16,
                Channels = 2,
                FormatTag = WaveFormatTag.Pcm

            format.BlockAlign = (short)(format.Channels * (format.BitsPerSample / 8));
            format.AverageBytesPerSecond = format.SamplesPerSecond * format.BlockAlign;
            dsCapture = new Capture();

            var cap = default(Capture);
            CaptureDevicesCollection cdc = new CaptureDevicesCollection();
            cap = new Capture(cdc[0].DriverGuid);

            var capDesc = new CaptureBufferDescription
                Format = format,
                BufferBytes = 10*48000

            cBuf = new CaptureBuffer(capDesc, cap);