You will notice in the 1st example delegate reference is remaining as it is. In the 2nd example same delegate reference "del" has become method. In 3rd example delegate reference "del" has become a parameter.
What I wish to know is whether this is uniquness to delegate reference only.
using System;
delegate void MyDelegate();
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
MyDelegate del = new MyDelegate(SayHello);
del.Invoke();//Delegate reference "del" is remaining as it is
static void SayHello()
Console.WriteLine("Hey there!");
using System;
delegate void MyDelegate();
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
MyDelegate del = SayHello;
del();//Delegate reference "del" has become method
static void SayHello()
Console.WriteLine("Hey there!");
using System;
delegate void MyDelegate();
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
MyDelegate del = SayHello;
Test(del);//Delegate reference "del" has become a parameter
static void SayHello()
Console.WriteLine("Hey there!");
static void Test(MyDelegate del)