DevExpress Gridcontrol shows empty column after adding repositoryItemLookUpEdit.
I have created windows VB.Net application using 'Visual Studio Express 2015 for windows' with .Net Framework 4.6. In that I have used Devexpress Gridcontrol on the form. I want to bind Student details to gridcontrol. In 'Name' column of gridview, I want to show combobox to select any Name to update particular cell.
For that purpose I have used repositoryItemLookUpEdit.
'Name' column must contain Name of sutdent. But when I will run the program, then 'Name' column shows empty cells. Why? How to overcome this issue?
Also If I will implement same program Without using repositoryItemLookUpEdit, then all column's correct data will get bind to the gridview and 'Name' column will also not showing empty.