
DevEx XTraGrid control related- cannot edit text in a column even after binding memoedit control

nikhil bezalwar

nikhil bezalwar

Hi again, I had posted a query about binding edior to a column, but the article in the reply did not really help me. Using the Xgrids designer, i have added two columns: source , target. Both are strings. The datasource to the grid is an arraylist which consists of a collection of structures (my structure has a target and source string) This is my code which goes into form load and will explain everything. // creating 2 structures myStruct ms1 = new myStruct(); myStruct ms2 = new myStruct(); ms1.source="this is my first source"; ms1.target="this is my first target"; ms2.source="this is my second source"; ms2.target="this is how i want my second target to look like"; // adding the structures created above to an //arraylist ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); list.Add(ms1); list.Add(ms2); //setting the arraylist as datasource to the grid gridControl1.DataSource=list; // colTarget is already bound to a memoedit // control through designer I have bound a memoedit control to the target column colTarget through XGrid's designer. this is the windows generated code for it: // colTarget // this.colTarget.Caption = "gridColumn1"; this.colTarget.ColumnEdit = this.repositoryItemMemoEdit1; this.colTarget.FieldName = "Target"; this.colTarget.Name = "colTarget"; this.colTarget.Visible = true; this.colTarget.VisibleIndex = 1; this.colTarget.OptionsColumn.AllowEdit=true; // The last line of code above mentions explicitly that the column should be allowed to edit text. However, when i run the program, I can see the memoedit editor bound to the column (because when i click on a cell in that column, i can see the up and down keys of a memo editor). My problem is that i just cannot type anything, i.e. edit the text in that column. We are evaluating Xgrid to see of we can use it for some of our projects in the future,so that we can go ahead and buy the product. is this happening because i am using a trial version of the control? i am stuck really bad at this point and would appreciate it if anyone could please help me with this. Thanks a lot, -- Nikhil