
Description Attribute

David Smith

David Smith

lolol a lil complicated for me what if i do something like this, Im having a lil trouble with it, can you tell me what im doing wrong

public enum ValidAnimals
      [Description("BEAR")] A = 0x0000,     //is there a way to get the description base off of the 0x0000
      [Description("DOG ")] B = 0x0001,
      [Description("CAT ")] C  = 0x0002,  

    public string GetName(string Value)
    {Value ="0000";
      FieldInfo fi = stringValue.GetType().GetField(Value);
      DescriptionAttribute[] attributes = (DescriptionAttribute[])fi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), false);
      return (attributes.Length > 0) ? attributes[0].Description : stringValue;

im basically get a 4 nibble string, and I want to do a look up via the above enum, so like "0000" means Bear, Bear is the value i want to get back
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