
Deploying Crystal reports on .net server



I have in production a project , which is developed in asp.net, c#, crystal reports and oracle.
I have all the source code for this project, ie .aspx files, .cs files, .rpt files .
Btw, in this project, the front end development was done by another expert. I am just the database guy. Now the front end modifications are given to me. So by now you can figure out I am a layman in asp.net and c#.
I modified some front end and sucessfully installed it on the server.
I modified a .aspx file and just replaced the modified version with the old version on the server in wwwroot directory.
Now I was given the task of modifing the crystal reports, which is integrated in the asp.net.
I could modify the crystal report, but now stuck with the deployment, as I don't see any reports file on the server in wwwroot directory.
So, I am not sure, if I had to just move the report file into the directory, like the aspx file, or have to redeploy the whole project. :-(.
I could figure out that this report file control is in a aspx file. So assuming that I just need to replace the aspx file in the production server.
Am I right? or there is something more which I am missing.
Please help me.
I appreciate any help from the gurus.
Thank you,