
Default page setting in IIS for a MVC application.

Sachin Singh

Sachin Singh

Dear all,
This is really really strange that even for a MVC application ,i had to add a default page ,i don't know why is it necessary but as long as the default document was not set in th iis (ofcourse it is of no use but i had to set it) ,i was getting 403.14 forbidden error but after setting the default document in iis now my site is up and running.
Moreover in all over the internet,youtube,CSharpcorner or stackoverflow ,nothing helped me at all ,there was not a single thread where solution points towards setting a default page in IIS even for MVC application.
Now my question is why even is it necessary to set a default document in IIS when it is an MVC application,or is it just a coincidence that after setting default document the error flew away.
Please someone clear my doubt.
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