Dear Team,
I have a project on .NET Core MVC Web API with EntityFramewok and MySQL as back-end.
We have a URL "" from which we need to take the cookies in class "CustomAuthorization.cs" class file.
I am not able to debug the project as I am getting null value in my cookie from localhost.
Values in URL are -
Please guide -
1. How to debug the swagger by editing the "hosts" file in folder - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
2. We apply "CustomAuthorization.cs" class to all the Controllers. We need to take the DomainID from the URL and insert the database.
My Code -
1.Class File For Adding String Values -
public class CPQuestionMaster
public readonly ConfigServerData configServer;
public readonly string EmpCode;
public readonly string DomainID;
public readonly HttpRequest httpRequest;
public CPQuestionMaster(ConfigServerData _config, HttpRequest _httpRequest)
configServer = _config;
httpRequest = _httpRequest;
this.EmpCode = Convert.ToString(httpRequest.HttpContext.Items["EmpCode"]);
this.DomainID = Convert.ToString(httpRequest.HttpContext.Items["DomainID"]);
public String AddMainQuestion(AddCPQuestionMasterModel addQuestionMasterModel)
string responseAddQuestion = string.Empty;
Int32 totalquestions = 0;
CPQuestionMasterModel _resReponseQuestionMasterModel = new CPQuestionMasterModel();
CPQuestionMasterContext DBQuestionMasterContext = new CPQuestionMasterContext();
if (addQuestionMasterModel.Question_Add_list != null)
totalquestions = addQuestionMasterModel.Question_Add_list.Count();
if (totalquestions > 0)
foreach (var question in addQuestionMasterModel.Question_Add_list)
Int32 QuestionMaster_Count = DBQuestionMasterContext.CP_Question_Master.Count();
Int32 ncount = QuestionMaster_Count + 1;
_resReponseQuestionMasterModel.QID = ncount;
_resReponseQuestionMasterModel.Service = addQuestionMasterModel.Service_Add;
_resReponseQuestionMasterModel.Question = question.ToString();
_resReponseQuestionMasterModel.CreatedDate = System.DateTime.Now;
_resReponseQuestionMasterModel.Active = 1;
_resReponseQuestionMasterModel.CreatedBy = DomainID;
if (addQuestionMasterModel.ParentQuestionID_Add.ToString().Length > 0)
_resReponseQuestionMasterModel.FKQID = addQuestionMasterModel.ParentQuestionID_Add;
_resReponseQuestionMasterModel.FKQID = 0;
_resReponseQuestionMasterModel.Ratings = addQuestionMasterModel.Ratings_Add;
responseAddQuestion = "Total : " + " " + totalquestions + " " + " Questions are successfully registered.";
responseAddQuestion = "Minimum one question is required.";
responseAddQuestion = "Minimun one question is required.";
catch (Exception err)
responseAddQuestion = "Error In Saving Record.";
return responseAddQuestion;
Controller Code -
public class QuestionMasterController : ControllerBase
private ConfigServerData configServer;
public QuestionMasterController(IOptionsSnapshot<ConfigServerData> config)
configServer = config.Value;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(configServer.Database))
Startup.ConnectionString = configServer.Database;
public IActionResult Add(AddCPQuestionMasterModel ReqQuestionMaster)
Response responseAdd = new Response();
responseAdd.Message = new DAL.CPQuestionMaster(configServer,Request).AddMainQuestion(ReqQuestionMaster);
responseAdd.Code = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK;
catch (Exception ex)
throw new CustomException(ex.Message, ex);
return StatusCode(responseAdd.Code, responseAdd);
Please guide - where I am going wrong.