hi Any body please help
Select isnull(SUM(Wqty),0) as wqty,isnull(SUM(batchqty),0) as issueqty,(isnull(SUM(Wqty),0)-isnull(SUM(batchqty),0)) as balanceqty From tblwhinward inner join tblwhinwardbatch on tblwhinward.uid=tblwhinwardbatch.whuid group by tblwhinward.fyear order by fyear";
i having query like this i want to bind this data table values to in this design batchqty salesqty issueqty values need to bind bellow java sciprt actual sale expected sales profit colums how to bind datat table values to this java script any one please send proper code Asp.net Normal Application not MVC
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{ x: new Date(2017, 4), y: 45000 },
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{ x: new Date(2017, 7), y: 43000 },
{ x: new Date(2017, 8), y: 41000 },
{ x: new Date(2017, 9), y: 42000 },
{ x: new Date(2017, 10), y: 50000 },
{ x: new Date(2017, 11), y: 45000 }
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{ x: new Date(2017, 11), y: 20000 }
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