
Datasets to Dictionary Join?

Rick Sharp

Rick Sharp


Hello all, 

I have 2 Datasets. I've already asked how to join 2 DataSets and didn't get any answers that helped me. So I feel the easiest way to associate them now is to create a dictionary(s) for DataSet2.

The 2 different DataSets have only 1 field in common, CompanyName. So enter dicitonary.

DataSet 2 contains only 16 total records (Company). Each record (Company) has 7 rows:

<Name>Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC</Name>
<MAddress1>1610 E. Saint Andrew Place</MAddress1>
<MCity>Santa Ana</MCity>

So when CompanyName matches, return value from Dictionary.

Do i need to create 16 Dicitonary entires with Key and Value? Do i create 1 Dictionary with variables populating on some kind of for loop? I was told that i could create my own class to store the information I need or simply set the dataset record as the value. No idea what any of those things mean. :(

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