
dataGridView and contextMenuStrip logic problum

Nitin Sharma

Nitin Sharma

i use a datagridview for follow up status of institute equerry. clerk select any row and right click ( i have use context menu) there is three option 1.follow up,
2. cancel enquerry, 3. convert to regirtration. i just wanted if user click 2nd and 3rd option and work according(go to the cancel form or registration form) after that on those row those option will not display more or is it not possiable than context menu become unactive on that row.
because is a student cancel their enquerry, institute can't do anythings, application just show this row in grey color and context menu will not work
i have using this code for goto the registration page.
string sname = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString();
string contectno = dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[1].Value.ToString();
Registration r = new Registration(sname, contectno);