
Datagrid sorting problem



I've got a treeview and a datagrid, and depending on which tree node you select, the contents of my datagrid changes. Grid update is done as follows: DataSet AppsDS = // comes from a stored proc MyDataGrid.SetDataBinding(AppsDS,"Table"); MyDataGrid.TableStyles.Clear(); DataGridTableStyle ts = new DataGridTableStyle(); ts.MappingName = this.MyDataGrid.DataMember; MyDataGrid.TableStyles.Add(ts); // Hide the desired columns.. MyDataGrid.TableStyles[0].GridColumnStyles["ProductId"].Width = 0; Thats how I populate my grid, but I've noticed that if I re-order the grid by clicking on a column-header, then when I attempt to process the selected row, it picks up the wrong row. E.g This is how I process which row is highlighted when the datagrid is doubleclicked: DataSet tmpDS = (DataSet)this.MyDataGrid.DataSource; object ProdId = tmpDS.Tables[0].Rows[MyDataGrid.CurrentCell.RowNumber]["ProductId"]; I've noticed that the CurrentCell.RowNumber isnt correct IF I have re-ordered the grid's contents by clikcing on column headers. Any ideas how to fix this problem since I dont really want to disable column sorting.
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