
database to treenodes?

david walton

david walton

Ok here is what i need help with.

I'm making a game menu in vb.net 2008 but i'm using a database to do the menus.
the tables are as follows

database name is g_menu_objects
table name is game_menus

Entryid | Menuid | Menunode | Dis | data1 | data2 |

1232    |    1       |         1        |  3  |   main   |  text  |
1233    |    1       |         2        |  3  |   help   |  text  |
1234    |    1       |         2        |  3  |   start   |  text  |
1235    |    1       |         2        |  3  |   end   |  text  |
1235    |    1       |         1        |  3  |   tools   |  text  |
1235    |    1       |         2        |  3  |   Vsettings   |  text  |
1235    |    1       |         2        |  3  |    Asettings  |  text  |

menu id is so i can have more than 1 menu.

If the menunode is 1 its a root node if its a 2 its a child node of the last root node
and create a treeview of these menus, it would look like this.


but i cant seem to figure out how to pull these values out and make it generate the treeview nodes

can some one help me out?

im very new to vb.net 2008

and cant seem to find out how to do this