
Database Programming in WPF




I understand that the Database data can be easily displayed in a grid in WPF, by clicking a table in the Data Sources windows and dragging it onto the form.

we can then click a cell to change its value.

Say, if we have a field say Quotation_Date, and when we want to change/edit that field at a certain row,  I would want a Calendar control with DatePicker to appear, such that user can change the date for the Quotation_Date at that row, from the Calendar control. Is that possible?

Similarly, say if we have a field say Weather, and when we want to change/edit that field at a certain row, I would want a ComboBox to appear, such that user can select from the ComboBox collections (Rainy, Sunny, Stormy), and update it. Is that possible?

Third question. With its DataGridView displaying all items from the database, I would want to have a button Add New Item, such that when user click on that button, a second WPF form (new and empty) appears such that all those fields [Items_ID, Quotation_Date, Weather] would appear, and when user adds new items from the second form, thoes Calendar control and ComboBox control would also appears on the second form. When user clicks a Save button, it would close the second form and update its new item to the first form. Is that possible?
