
Customizing the external login buttons in Asp.Net Web Forms

Junaid Sultan

Junaid Sultan

I am working on a project that uses the Asp.Net Identity External login to allow users to login to the system using their Google, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft account. Using the OAuth functionality I have implemented the external login successfully. 
The problem is that the external login buttons that appear on the login page are plain white buttons like in the picture below:
 External Login Image
While I want the buttons to display the image name of the particular provider like in the picture below:
External Login Image With Service Provider Logo 
I have looked into the tutorial provided at this link : (https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/4b0136/working-with-external-providers-in-mvc-5/).
How can I implement the same in Asp.Net Web Forms instead of MVC?
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