

mike idowu

mike idowu

Before I moved to ASP.NET MVC I was using YII in PHP. I got to know know RBAC in YII and was very interesting. When I got to ASP.NET MVC, I could find any detailed RBAC until I saw this link https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/1079552/Custom-Roles-Based-Access-Control-RBAC-in-ASP-NE that tried to some extent.
However some things are missing,
I wish to add the UserCreate since I want to give admin the privilege to create users. How can I implement this to the current code block.
I need to enable my admin user to change access permissions for users on the fly, such that they can create new Roles and add permissions to those Roles and assign that role to any user at run time.
I don't want to 'set' the roles during development, as in [Authorize(Roles="Role1, Role2")] etc because after development if i add roles to any user then again i have to recompile the code and copy the changed dll to project bin folder.
we often hard code the role name with authorized attribute but what if i need to do this kind of association at run time in asp.net mvc project. is it possible please discuss all your thought.
I need a very detailed RBAC in ASP.NET MVC, that is very flexible, and allows the user to add access to roles, and roles to users at the front-end.
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